A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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'feel better' is an experiment in whether or not I am capable of making something that is actually a "game" in the traditional sense. I wanted to see if I could use the traditional language of games to say something meaningful to me. This is was mostly in response to feedback that I was getting about how my games "weren't" or "didn't have to be" games.

What I learned is I probably shouldn't use spite over those comments as the driving force behind why I'm making a game. Still, I think it was a good exercise and I learned some things; mostly that making 2D platformers is super boring and I don't want to do it again for at least a long time. Possibly ever.

I know the level design isn't great; that's kind of the point. Still, it might be interesting to go back and make it actually "well designed" with a good difficulty curve, just to see if I can.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

feelbetter_win.zip 33 MB
feelbetter_mac.zip 35 MB